
Showing posts from October 25, 2017

official Cartrr9ja



My name is Curtis Carter, I am 24 years old, Nigerian based, I am a type of guy that is so in love with the internet, I really can't do without it, so sure you know I must have everything that can enable me access the internet, yes I do have em, but due to money problem I couldn't keep up. My laptop stopped working 2years back,so I couldn't access the internet very as I used to. I need to get a new laptop, because apart from using the internet,  I miss editing pictures and making documents. For that reason I wasn't feeling very lively, but I do have a smartphone. I went to the play store searched and searched, but what was I looking for??,  app that will enable me to edit like I used to do on a laptop.   So I came across apps like picsay pro,  pics art, all the adobe product for androids phone, and I started using em on different pictures for a very long time, but now I am a master of every pieces of apps on my smartphone, it's like competing with friends editi...