“ I Became A Millionaire When I Stopped Hanging Out With Other Millionaires ” - Dencia
Dencia, gave some reasonable advice on her snapchat revealing no one is going to help you become a millionaire especially if you are a woman.
Dencia revealed that she became a millionaire when she stopped hanging out with other millionaires.
People say “If you hang around 4 millionaires you will be the 5th one” ehm so explain all the millions of broke people who hang around with millionaires, i can name 100 off head. Success doesn’t work like that, success is by association.
I became a millionaire when i stopped hanging out with millionaires. FYI no one is helping you become a millionaire especially as a woman. Well the millionaires who were my friends(entertainers, athletes, Biz folks) didn’t help so have to go figure.
Dencia revealed that she became a millionaire when she stopped hanging out with other millionaires.
People say “If you hang around 4 millionaires you will be the 5th one” ehm so explain all the millions of broke people who hang around with millionaires, i can name 100 off head. Success doesn’t work like that, success is by association.
I became a millionaire when i stopped hanging out with millionaires. FYI no one is helping you become a millionaire especially as a woman. Well the millionaires who were my friends(entertainers, athletes, Biz folks) didn’t help so have to go figure.
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